Newspaper Association Managers, Inc.
NAM Bylaws
Section 1. Any person engaged in active management of a state, regional, provincial, national or international association of newspapers executives may become an active member of this organization if 60 percent of the members present in convention assembled approve such membership, provided that:
More than 50 percent of his or her time is spent in active management of the qualified association.However, exceptional consideration will be given to managers of newspaper associations which cannot support a manager for the half-time required; and
Whose occupation is the direction of a newspaper association; and
Whose salary is based or derived principally from his or her position as an employee of an association of newspaper executives.
Membership requirements shall recognize a “grandfather” clause which will allow members presently in good standing, who otherwise would not qualify, to remain as members of Newspaper Association Manager, Inc. (NAM). Membership shall be in the name of the person qualifying and not in the name of the organization represented.
Section 2. Written application shall be made to the Executive Secretary of NAM, accompanied by one-year’s dues. Upon arrival of the application as required above, the dues shall be deposited in the treasury and shall be held in trust until such applicant be accepted into full membership. After receiving an application, the Executive Secretary shall notify the President. The President will have the authority to accept the application and grant full membership subject to the approval of the membership at its next regular meeting.
Section 3. Non-voting or life-time members. Members who have been in good standing of this organization for not less than ten (10) years and who enter upon a bona fide retirement shall be eligible for a non-voting life-time membership.
Section 4. Affiliate Membership. Affiliate membership recognizes those managers of newspaper associations who meet all the requirements of Section 1, but who spend less than 50% of their time in active management of the qualified association. Those approved under this membership category will be permitted all the rights and privileges of full membership with the exception of office-holding privileges. Membership fees for affiliate members will be 50% of the full membership fee. (Approved by the membership on August 4, 1991, in Cincinnati, Ohio)
Section 5. Friends of NAM. This membership category pertains to former managers and/or members who do not meet the ten-year requirement in Section 3, or who are not yet retired. These individuals may apply for membership as a “Friend of NAM.” Dues for this membership category will be $25 annually. This allows them to receive the Round Table informational communications from the organization, if published, but does not include the right to vote or to receive invitations to NAM meetings. (Approved by the membership on August 2, 1995, Ogunquit, Main)
Section 1. Membership fees and annual dues shall be fixed by the members in convention assembled and shall not be changed during a fiscal year, nor by less than a 60 percent approval of all members except when in convention assembled they may be changed by 60 percent approval of all members present.
Section 1. The elective officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and three additional Directors, to be elected by the members in convention assembled who, with the immediate past President, shall constitute the Board of Directors. The President, Vice President, and Secretary shall be elected annually by a majority vote at the regular annual business meeting when their successors are elected and qualified. The three additional Directors shall be elected in the following manner:
At the regular business meeting in 1970, one Director shall be elected to serve until the regular annual business meeting in 1971; one Director shall be elected to serve until the regular annual business meeting in 1972; and one shall be elected to serve until the regular annual business meeting in 1973 or until their successors are elected and qualified. Commencing at the regular annual business meeting in 1971, one Director shall be elected each year to fill the directorship term then expiring and he or she shall serve until the third next regular annual meeting or until a successor is elected and qualified.
Section 2. All Officers shall perform such duties as usually fall to such Officers. The Board of Directors shall have authority to appoint such assistants as they deem necessary and to fix the duties and compensation of those employees.
Section 3. A Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Section 4. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, those duties shall be assumed by the Vice President who shall then appoint a Director to complete the Board of Directors to seven (7) members. In case of a vacancy in the office of Secretary, the President shall first fill the vacancy so caused on the Board of Directors by appointing a member of the directorate and shall then appoint a Secretary from among the Board of Directors. Appointees to fill vacancies shall serve only until the next regular annual business meeting, at which time the membership will elect successors to all expired terms and to all unexpired terms of office in which vacancies exist.
Section 5. New Officers and Directors shall assume their duties immediately following that session of the regular annual business meeting at which they are elected.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall fix the time of business meetings. Written notice shall be given each member no less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the meeting.
Section 2. No indebtedness shall be incurred, chargeable to the Corporation, unless authorized by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or by the members in meeting assembled.
Section 3. The Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds belonging to the Corporation.
Section 4. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall expire September 30 of each year.
Section 1. Only those members in good standing whose dues are paid in full for the current fiscal year shall have a right to vote in any meeting or the right to the floor, except that another executive of the association designated by a member may have the right to the floor and may vote in the absence of the member. When an association is represented by more than one member, only one member from that association may vote on any given issue or candidacy.
Section 2. Voting shall be by ballot unless there be no contest when it may be given via voice. Any member may demand a roll call.
Section 3. A majority of those registered as attending a regularly called meeting from the active members of this Corporation shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 4. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed by the presiding Officer in all meetings of the Corporation.
Section 5. The discussion of partisan politics and sectarian religious subjects is prohibited in all meeting of this Corporation.
Section 1. The President shall appoint a nominating committee to be comprised of the two immediate past presidents, and an additional member from the general membership with less than five years in the organization, or the newest member if no member has less than three years membership. The most senior immediate past president shall chair the committee. Their duty shall be to select one or more candidates for each office to be filled and to report to the convention not later than 11:30 a.m. on the second day of the annual business meeting, with the goal of having diversity in the board in terms of geographic representation, size of association and years of service. But any active member shall have the right to make additional nominations from the floor.
Section 1. All elections shall be by ballot, except when there is no contest the president may call for the ayes and nays.
Section 1. The President shall appoint such temporary, special and standing committees as may be required by the by-laws or ordered by proper action of the membership or Board of Directors.
Section 1. No privately owned or operated business concern shall receive official endorsement by this Corporation. Neither shall any organization not eligible to membership in Newspaper Association Managers, Inc. receive official endorsement.
Section 1. This Corporation may, by two-thirds vote of all members in meeting assembled, suspend or expel any member for violation of any of the rules or policies of this Corporation for unbecoming conduct.
Section 1. These by-laws shall be in immediate effect upon approval by 60 percent of the members present at an annual business meeting.
Section 2. These by-laws may be amended or repealed at the business meeting held during the Annual Convention by a 60 percent vote of all members present.