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Advertising & Revenue Conference

The NAM Advertising & Revenue Conference is held each spring and covers a variety of topics relevant to association ad services across in the United States and Canada, including print, digital, and cooperative networks.


April 13-15, 2025

Marriott Country Club Plaza

Kansas City, MO


Registration will open Feb. 1


Rooms are available at the Kansas City Marriott Country Club Plaza for a group rate of $159 nightly. Reservations should be made before the group deadline of March 22. (Link available soon.)


A full agenda of programs will be available soon.

Sunday, April 13

3 pm — NAM Board Meeting

6 pm — Opening Reception at hotel

Monday, April 14

8 am — Breakfast

9 am — General session

Noon — Lunch

1 pm — General session

5 pm — BBQ Dinner Tour

Tuesday, April 15

9 am — Breakfast

10 am — Round Tables

This session is among the most valuable to attendees because it is a place to ask questions about how others do things and hear new ideas/solutions. Topic ideas include paid quotes, tearsheet processes, standard-size quote requests, new or successful ad categories you are experiencing, who your biggest competitors are, and how we can get an edge over them. How does Florida get their tearsheets so fast? What services do press associations offer? Tearsheet service, awards systems, public notice systems. What could your press association offer others to increase revenue?

11:30 am — Wrap up and adjourn

For more information

Emily Bradbury

Program Chair

Kansas Press Association

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